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For the originality of its content and manner of telling, Gael Morel's "Le Clan" deserves wide art-house distribution. It does, however, need a better English title. Life may be difficult for people in the film, but they are not slaves and make choices that attempt to better their situations, if not always happily. Why not simply "A Clan," since nobody remembers Griffith's second title for "Birth of a Nation," or "Brothers"? Two boys practice a North African "slave dance," but for sport and release. The tightly edited movie can be thought of as short stories about three brothers and their father. With rapid shifts we keep learning new things about the characters. Sometimes one wonders what went on during a gap, but usually one can figure it out and the dialogue that would have worked it through would have been sentimental and out of character. One shot of the brothers huddled together watched by their father is difficult to justify realistically, but it works as a symbolic representation. If meanwhile one wants everything spelled out and sweetened, there is the Québec film "C.R.A.Z.Y." The brothers do maintain enormous familiarity. The youngest one, very drunk, is helped by a brother to vomit. If that's shocking, we have to take it as a fact of the milieu. The banlieux of France have recently been in the news. "Le Clan" goes much further with stories that lead one to care for the characters in the variety of their difficult situations of social derogation, dangerous labour, sexuality, and self-esteem.
暹罗象族公主,因父亲被大祭司蛊惑而落难花月楼,大祭司暗中追杀公主的同时,带着假公主前来和亲,假公主在我境内神秘失踪,多方势力被卷入其中。洪熙官为母复仇斩杀朝廷命官入狱。洪熙官误以为大仇得报,却被沄亲王告知当年屠村真凶另有其人,父母之仇未了,如今“魔道象人”横行,洪熙官该如何抉择?能否在复仇与拯救间达成平衡?一场生死较量即将展开……《魔道象人》是由崔景宣担任总导演,王晰、谢江南执导,钱伟、黄铭宵编剧,杜宇航、刘凡菲、沐岚、安琥、何沄伟、徐少强等领衔主演的魔幻、武侠、动作电影。 [1] 影片讲述了洪熙官放下心中仇恨携手沄亲王调查鸦片大案,与花月楼雪绫、护卫莫离,大战暹罗魔道,为国为民的故事。 [3] 该片于2023年5月28日爱奇艺独家上线
电影《粉红女郎》是一部由伍宗德执导,阿雅,张馨予,刘凡菲,黄一琳、范逸臣、锦荣、郑恺主演的一部爱情喜剧。本剧讲述的是“结婚狂”怀孕后,孩子的爸爸、魔术师高明临阵脱逃,在好友“男人婆”、“万人迷”、“哈妹”及“色房东”的帮助下,“结婚狂”开始了从成都到台湾的追寻,一路上有笑闹有心酸,四位女主角也从中得到不同的成长。 [1] 《粉红女郎》于2013年8月23日正式在全国公映。 《粉红女郎之爱人快跑》讲述了一名年轻的男子因为喜欢上一个俏皮可爱、粉嫩可人的女孩而被卷入一场神秘事件中。原来,这个女孩是来自另一个星球的外星生物,她在地球上遇到了这位有情有义的男子,并发展出一段令人动容的爱情故事。但是,随着对这个地球小伙子感情日益深厚,她也被大量追踪和监视的宇宙探测器所注目。两者之间形成了悬疑交错、时空穿梭和魔幻氛围十足的凄美与惨烈恋歌 为了泡到一个男朋友,结婚狂(阿雅饰)碰见魔术师高明(锦荣饰)后,便告诉对方自己怀了他的孩子。高明落跑,结婚狂在好友男人婆(张馨予饰)、万人迷(刘凡菲饰)、哈妹(黄一琳饰)的帮助下从成都飞到台湾,上演“千里寻夫”的戏码。在台湾,结婚狂历经艰险找到高明,但害怕承担责任的高明利用表演魔术的机会再度逃跑。这其中,色房东(范逸臣饰)因为喝醉而与四位女生“同睡”一张床,为逃避责任,色房东也开始帮结婚狂寻找孩子的爸爸高明。事情发展到最后,好姐妹们发现原来这是一出闹剧,因为结婚狂根本没有怀孕,只是她的臆想。但此时,高明对结婚狂的态度已经好转,色房东也开始与结婚狂眉来眼去……
沃尔特(Peter Linz 配音)和盖瑞(杰森·席格尔 Jason Segel 饰)是一对情深意笃的兄弟,所不同的是沃尔特是一个永远不会长高的布偶,而盖瑞则是正常的人类。岁月流逝,盖瑞渐渐长大,拥有自己的工作和爱情,沃尔特则始终保持孩童般的心,他最爱看的就是电视上播放 的布偶秀,即使这个节目已经停播多年,但他还是布偶秀的忠实粉丝。某天,盖瑞和女友玛丽(艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams 饰)、沃尔特前往洛杉矶旅行,顺便参观布偶秀的剧院。沃尔特意外得知,某黑心商人要收购这里的土地挖掘石油。为了保护心中的圣地,他必须找到散落在各个角落的布偶家族成员…… 本片荣获2012年奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖。