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继承克罗地亚小岛上的一座房子后,这名女子心血来潮地踏上了一段旅行,不仅重获生活的喜悦,也再次打开了爱情之门。泽内普很不高兴。这就是她逃到克罗地亚岛屿的原因,她已故的母亲很久以前在那里买了房子。她希望最终能找到平静和放松,但她没有考虑到乔西普,他仍然住在这片土地上。泽内普·阿尔廷 (Zeynep Altin) 已是山穷水尽。她工作过度,受到丈夫、女儿和年迈父亲的摆布。她母亲的去世和她的葬礼几乎以彻底的灾难告终,这对泽伊内普来说是最后一根稻草,她离开慕尼黑逃到了克罗地亚的一个岛屿。在她母亲多年前秘密购买并在遗嘱中赠予她的房子里,她希望找到平静、自由和自己。要是前主人乔西普(Josip),一个彻头彻尾的岛民,不再住在同一块土地上就好了。
舞蹈老师兼母亲Nadja在儿子Mario还小的时候就把他留给了自己的母亲。现在,她又出现在他的门口,寻求一种越来越没有界限的亲密关系。一部关于家庭关系的毫不妥协的电影。《华丽的越步》是建党百年献礼电视剧,讲述了越剧的发展历程和背后的传承与坚守。该剧集汇聚了众多越剧艺术家,其中不乏陈少华、黄梅戏表演艺术家、话剧演员等知名演员加盟。下面是整体剧情介绍。 第一集璀璨的起点 第一集以越剧的起源为背景。女主角情怀慷慨激昂的全息展览节目吸引了导演王小柿的注意,并且为女主角取名为梅兰芳,意为“梅中甘露,兰之芳华”。这段回忆回到20世纪初期,那时候,梅兰芳(黄圣依饰)还是一个黄梅戏的小演员,她和她的男友杨寿保(周卫国饰)一起在乡村旅行演出。在演出过程中,他们遇到了剧团的竞争对手说唱的竞争。梅兰芳在演出中惊人的表现引起了围观者的赞赏,而这也是她如此敬爱的艺术大师的起点。 第二集厉兵秣马 在第二集中,梅兰芳涉足国家大剧院。在节目中,王小柿导演的几位主要演员通过沉迷于各自的演出过程来试图使自己的表演更加出色。然而,年轻且有抱负的导演们的合作反而导致了错误和变化。梅兰芳难以忍受导演的错误,甚至与钢铁般坚定的杨寿保发生了争吵。在节目结束后,梅兰芳决定离开国家大剧院,并寻求自己的谦逊和恢复自己的戏剧传承。 第三集草民出身 第三集讲述梅兰芳决定成为“草民出身”式的越剧演员,以逃避烦恼,最终在告别剧坛前演出。她借助国家大剧院的资源在北京的家中开办了自己的花旦戏班。但是,与自己的舞台搭档周庆元(陈少华饰)的一次巡演四处寻找影响,似乎是颠覆了梅兰芳的信念。梅兰芳在表演中不断寻找灵感,并相信除去世俗利益外别无要求即可成功。 第四集传承红线 在第四集中,梅兰芳开始为她的艺术别途探寻建议。她发现她的团队成员更注重表演的“现代”特色比传承原有的戏剧,特别是周庆元,踏上了寻找自己独特表演方式的道路。在梅村寿宴中,梅兰芳遭遇了生命的威胁,也提醒她要坚定不移地传承越剧。她坚信越剧是一个红线,源远流长并延续至今。 第五集传世之路 梅兰芳的戏院在战争的关键性时期关闭了。然而,她坚持传承越剧,同时与演员挖掘机(吴镇宇饰)一起到外地演出。她通过和不同的戏剧文化交流,重新思考和定位自己的艺术品位和途径。在过去寻求现代文化对传统艺术的冲击上,梅兰芳与年轻演员共同面对顽固和对未来的不确定性。 第六集华年锦簇 在最后一集中,梅兰芳的越剧团队受到全国知名度的启发和肯定。梅兰芳获国家颁发的文艺奖,但能否成功传承越剧的红线还取决于众多的表演家。确认了越剧作为一个源远流长的红线,并传世的意义,同时也是带领现代越剧的命运和使命。 整部电视剧让我们深深地感受到了越剧如此艺术的精髓,同时也希望年轻的演员们能够在她身上找到启示。
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The Child
西班牙男孩路易斯(Fernando Tielve 饰)与男友口角后,独自飞往柏林度假。光怪陆离的柏林处处有派对狂欢。其间他被神秘男子维克托(Marko Mandic 饰)吸引,接下来发生的事却异常诡异——他被认作一个失踪的希腊男孩,而后者正是维克托的前男友。随着越来越多信息浮出水面,一个心惊肉跳的推断让他坐立难安。维克托的性感放纵让他着迷,可他是否愿意为这份虚无缥缈的爱掉脑袋呢?本片入围第63届柏林电影节全景单元。
A story of faith and disbelief. Of uprootedness and affiliation. What makes a boy from art school decide to leave home and live as a girl on the streets of Berlin selling her body for money? For more than ten years, photographer and filmmaker J. Jackie Baier followed transsexual Julia K. from her birthplace, Klaipeda in Lithuania, to her tough life on the streets as a hooker, outlaw and nonconformist who never signed any social contract.   "Julia is missing again. Yesterday I visited her in the porn cinema, in where she has crashed for the last six months. We sat in the common room of the hookers, which doubled as Julia´s bedroom; a smoky, dingy basement without any daylight, roughly the size of a prison cell, with a couch, a counter, a coffee machine and a TV, out of which some cheap television series blared at full volume. This room was what her life was limited to. She only left it when Mamsell called her for a client. I´d seen her for the very first time while she still worked at a bar in Wilmersdorf. For some time we both worked there, tempting clients with booze, offers of sex, whatever would bring in money. I soon left the business, though. The madam was simply not convinced that I was a good hooker and actually she was right - even though I learned a lot by watching Julia. Julia was soon to be out as well. She didn´t really get along in that joint. The madam had some kind of style, while Julia just had her style. It just couldn´t work. Afterwards they said that Julia was always drunk, but that can´t have been the reason, since if she had always been drunk, it probably would have worked out with the boss, who was chronically drunk herself, after all. About a year later I met Julia again. I was riding on a bus to Schöneberg, and she was at the corner of Froben-and Bülow - hustling at the strip. We drank a couple of beers at Bianca´s kiosk and she asked at some point if I wouldn´t mind taking some pictures of her again. I didn´t have my proper camera on me, just my mobile. I took some shots and once I left, promised to return. When I went back two nights later, this time with my camera, Julia had vanished. At the kiosk they said that she was dead, probably frozen to death somewhere. But then she reappeared." [J. Jackie Baier, 2006]   J. Jackie Baier (b. 1955 in Kiel, Germany) received an MA in Literature at the University of Essen in 1982. She worked as assistant director on films by, among others, Peter von Zahn, Michael Lentz, and Adolf Winkelmann, and made several documentaries. In 1983 she made her feature directorial debut with Die Mission - Film vom Frieden und seinem Krieg (which premiered at the Berlinale (Forum). From 1985 to 1988 she wrote and directed two television movies for ZDF, Die Splitter der Eisbombe and Frühstück für Feinde. She has directed TV series since 1995. She had a sex change in 1997; Johanna Jackie Baier was officially a woman. She started to experiment extensively with photography and has exhibited her work at national and international art fairs. In 2006, she presented a selection of photographs and a short film as part of the group show SEX WORK (Neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, Berlin). In 2011 Baier´s feature-length documentary House of Shame premiered at the 61st Berlin International Film Festival.   2013 Julia (doc)   2011 House of Shame: Chantal All Night Long (doc)   1988 Frühstück Für Feinde   1984/85 Die Splitter Der Eisbombe   1983 Die Mission - Film vom Frieden und seinem Krieg
Johannes Klare is the senior, charismatic preacher of an unofficial, self-supporting fringe church in Stuttgart, aided by his devout, devoted wife Lydia and her ex-con cousin Bernd Trampe. Finding juvenile homeless busker Simon Rützel, who talked sense, by the way but refusing to be taken to hospital as ODd junkie, the childless couple take him in their home and start to think of him as a lost son. Rich parishioner Volker Reiche offers to privately finance the herd's dream of a community center, but Johannes grows suspicious of his agenda. Discovering Simon's homosexual nature, Johannes decides against throwing him out and must admit the exorcist is a gross bigot. In Lydia's weekend absence, Johannes succumbs when Simon rightly guesses he suppressed his own gay lust for years, but comes clean to Lydia, where-after Simon is driven to relapse and the couple seeks to rescue their lives and vocation after the 'mortal sin' gets known.