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Benedetta Barzini是一位受人尊敬的意大利模特,她通过成为一名记者和教授打破了陈规陋习,并通过公开批评时尚界根深蒂固的厌恶情绪而臭名昭著。但是现在,在她70多岁的时候,巴兹尼对图像世界的厌恶已经加深到一个存在主义的危机中。她悄悄地、毫无预兆地收拾好行李,告诉儿子贝尼阿米诺,她打算永远从物质世界消失。贝尼阿米诺惊恐万状,设计了一个计划,他希望允许她面对-而不是逃跑-她最不信任的东西:相机。通过拍摄她的电影,他打算挽救他母亲的真实本质,并保存她的叙事。
“I don’t think any of this would have happened if I have a very traditional mum.”
少年廚神Flynn McGarry 的Instagram簡介中,只有一句「I Cook」。他自幼享負盛名,憑廚藝獲選為30位最具影響力的青年,但在社交媒體上卻相當樸實,只有碟碟料理的照片,他的世界,的確就只有廚藝。
10歲的Flynn McGarry為逃避母親的「料理」,在臥室架設廚房,跟隨名廚Thomas Keller 的經典食譜鑽研烹飪。12歲舉辦快閃餐廳,卻被質疑年紀太輕配不上主廚稱號。於是他再以多年的努力,躍過小時了了的時期,在曼克頓跟隨Eleven Madison Park星級主廚Daniel Humm學藝。在去年Flynn McGarry以19歲之齡在紐約開設首間餐廳,在競爭激烈的廚藝界嶄露頭角。導演帶領觀眾從珍貴的家庭錄像中,跟隨少年廚神Flynn McGarry在20年間一同成長,從他的工作片段,見證他如何年紀輕輕,卻擠身在米芝蓮林立的紐約熱廚房中。柏林影展「美食單元」開幕電影。
“More Than Robots” follows four teams of teenagers from around the world as they prepare for the 2020 FIRST® Robotics Competition. Get to know teams from Los Angeles, Mexico City and Chiba, Japan as they work towards the goal of taking their unique designs all the way to the highly competitive global championships. Although they are faced with overcoming challenges along the way, such as having limited resources within their community or putting everything on hold because of a world-wide pandemic, the kids persevere and learn that there is a lot more to the competition than just robots.
Children in America are undergoing electric shock treatment in growing numbers. Now known as Electro Convulsive Therapy - or ECT - the controversial treatment is being used on severely autistic children who are prone to violent self-harming behaviour. For the first time, BBC cameras have been given access to film a child being treated using ECT. Our World's, Chris Rogers, meets the parents who say the treatment is improving their children's lives - and the critics who say it is barbaric.
Du jour de la rentrée à la kermesse qui marque la fin de l'année scolaire, portrait de M. Burel, instituteur qui s'apprête à prendre sa retraite. Maître d'une classe de plusieurs niveaux, à Saint-Just-et-Vacquières, petit village du Gard, Jean-Michel Burel s'efforce de donner confiance à ses élèves, pour mieux les aider à grandir. Pour cet homme, également maire de sa commune, la tolérance et la sagesse s'enseignent en effet au moins autant que l'orthographe, la grammaire et l'arithmétique. Ancienne élève de ce professeur atypique, la réalisatrice a tenu à rendre hommage à un homme qui l'a profondément marquée...