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  Yiannis doesn’t have much going for him, save for his adorable dog, Jimi, and his fast-approaching date to get out of Cyprus for good. But when Jimi wanders across the U.N. buffer zone and into the section of the island Turkey seized more than forty years ago, an unregulated state unrecognized by the rest of the world, Yiannis learns, bringing a dog back over the border is not as easy as walking straight home. He enlists a mismatched band of accomplices from every side of the Cyprus dispute to find a way to get Jimi back, while never leaving the land he calls home.  Writer and director Marios Piperides has been producing films in Cyprus for more than a decade, and his inside knowledge pays dividends in this narrative feature debut—a whip-smart comedy on legality, disputed nationality, and the frameworks that are erected to maintain a fragile peace. He demonstrates his compassion for locals on both sides of the divide, as he tenderly captures their struggle to find hope and make a living in a divided land. Such serious themes pair perfectly with Piperides’s sense of humor: As Yiannis’s efforts dip farther into absurdity, they offer a send-up of the forces that prolong a conflict that has been poorly understood and largely forgotten by the outside world.
  (Dis)Honesty - The Truth About Lies' is a documentary feature film that explores how and why people lie. The film is anchored in behavioral experiments that measure our propensity to lie - sometimes even unknowingly. On a more personal level, from little white lies to devastating deceits, people share on camera the true stories of lies they've told. Experts examine the reasons behind our behavior and the implications of our dishonesty. Behavioral scientist Dan Ariely brings these elements together and guides us in discovering the complicated truths about lies.
  Elie, a young woman from the city, has come to a remote North Atlantic island. It's the spring thaw, and she is here to convalesce and get to know the community. The annual seal hunt is in full swing, and Elie feels both drawn to and repelled by the men engaged in it. In this isolated world, people's lives and deaths are shaped by the brute forces of nature. Elie's presence arouses curiosity and mistrust. Maria, the village matriarch and den mother, seeks to uncover the secret reason behing Elie's visit. Wolves explores the profound need for belonging.
  富有的工业家丹蒂·比拉迪内里离开工厂时在女儿面前被绑架。鉴于绑匪的凶残本性,长官们要求万利瑞奥指挥的特种部队参与营救。也因此将患有严重心脏病的七岁女孩史戴拉和他的父亲分开了。父亲有一次让女儿失望,因为工作要求又不能陪女儿了。因为这次任务,万利瑞奥不得不从最勇敢的战士中选出最勇敢的四个人和他一起参加行动,尽管这四个人没有任何经验。随着事件错综复杂的不断发展,绑匪似乎越来越贪婪,他们不断撕毁协议,给警方采取最后行动制造困难。 万利瑞奥的内心在责任感和重病中的女儿之间斗争着,最后他决定把工作放在第二位,回到病床上女儿的身边。就在这时,小组中的每一个成员都发现他们不得不在个人问题和共同的任务之间做出抉择。行动已经开始,不到最后决战不会停止。所有的人物命运最终都将发生改变。小组成员们从最初的勾心斗角变成现在敢于冒生命危险的团结的整体,而史戴拉。。。
  Alonso is a skater who goes across Spain with the skate as his only means of transport. The road will force him to cross with characters that will change his life and they will discover the reason why Alonso does this curious and strange trip.
  内战连绵多年之后,一名尼泊尔共产党员终于收拾行囊,带著路上巧遇的孤儿返回偏远家乡,好为甫逝世的父亲奔丧。他的亲兄弟在内战中投入了敌对阵营,水火不容的两人只好约定暂时休战;妻子则生下了其他男人的女儿,小女孩却以为他才是自己的亲生父亲。在抬着遗体下山火葬的这趟险峻路程中,隐忍已久的对立衝突终于全面爆发。  导演将延烧十年的尼泊尔内战巧妙纳入一场葬礼之中,在这座偏远山村裡,男尊女卑与种姓制度仍然根深柢固;来自外界的男主角儘管曾为现代普世价值而战,但为了替亡父完成葬礼,却不得不屈从于信奉古老习俗的村中耆老。现代与传统、宗教与世俗,甚至家庭与亲情、战争与和平,终将在这一面飘扬著白日的尼泊尔国旗之下疗伤癒合。
  由加籍印裔女导演迪帕.梅塔执导,曾获芝加哥国际影展奖。因内容表现在打破传统的 “性禁锢"方面,所以公映时竟触发狂潮,成为众矢之的,导演本人亦遭受恐吓。剧情介绍新德里一个年轻美貌姑娘嫁入中产店主家庭后,因丈夫沉缅于香港功夫,并迷恋于中国艳女而受到冷落。而不育的大嫂亦因丈夫参与 “灵修"倍感寂寞,两人同病相怜遂成闺中好友,并发展成床上鸳鸯。后来东窗事发,迫使两人离家出走。该片在印度来讲,内容较为惹火,但比起香港片,似乎仍显平谈,而且剧情颇为噱头,算不上佳作。不过对女性情欲描写极为细致,有一定的文艺剧情趣味。该片还入选香港 “印度多面睇"十大印度影片。  Ashok (Kulbhushan Kharbanda) runs a family business that sells takeout food and which also has a video rental store at the side. Ashok's extended family includes his wife Radha (Shabana Azmi), his brother Jatin (Javed Jaffrey), their ailing mother Biji (Kushal Rekhi) and their manservant Mundu (Ranjit Chowdhry), all living under the same roof. Jatin, at the insistence of Ashok and their mother, Biji, agrees to marry the beautiful Sita (Nandita Das) in an arranged marriage, although he is actually in love with Julie (Alice Poon), a Chinese-Indian. At first glance, you see a happy middle-class family going through the normal paces of everyday life. However, as the layers are slowly peeled back, we find a simmering cauldron of discontent within the family, with almost every family member living a lie. Both marriages in the family turn out to be emotionally empty, without love or passion. While Ashok is an ascetic who has taken a vow of celibacy, Jatin is a handsome ladies' man who is still openly seeing Julie even after his marriage to Sita. Ashok has pledged his total devotion to a religious holy man, a swami, in order to purge his life of worldly desires and temptations. Radha, bound by her sense of duty to her husband, agrees to go along with his wishes. As you can imagine, with both husbands ignoring their spouses' emotional and sexual needs (albeit with reasons that are totally opposite from each other), it is only a matter of time before Radha and Sita look to one another for comfort and to satisfy their own passions. In this environment, it is only natural that Sita and Radha become fast friends, and, in time, much more than that. But their love is not without its share of painful obstacles.
  Luisa has a habit of bringing her dates home, irritating her son, Cesar. When Cesar invites his best friend Pablo over for a sleepover, Luisa's flirtations become too much to bear, especially as Cesar has his own feelings towards Pablo.