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  Abandoned by his father at the age of five and raised in near isolation by a loving, yet emotionally unstable and over-protective mother, the only life Peel Munter has ever known is within the confines of his childhood home. Upon his mother's unexpected death, 30-year-old Peel is left lost and utterly alone. With no job, family, or friends, he must make a choice; live as his mother did, lonely and unsettled, or change the course of his impending fate by breaking out into the unknown, facing the trials and tribulations of an outside world he doesn't understand. Unable to make the house payments, Peel decides to take in a couple of drifters as roommates. After forging what seems to be a burgeoning new family and brotherhood, one of the roommates betrays Peel's trust, compelling Peel to venture out in search of his long-lost, real brothers who had been taken away from him decades ago. Along the way, Peel's lack of cynicism and innocence has an inadvertent, yet powerful effect on those he meets, as he brings a group of marginalized misfits closer to their true home.
一部解决性别问题的具有挑战性的惊悚片。四个朋友在一个废弃的采石场度过了一个炎热的夏日午后。他们喜欢在湖里沐浴、沐浴阳光。然而,当他们发现自己陷入困境时,一场争执随之而来,气氛变得紧张。《废弃采石场》是一部来自乌拉圭的心理惊悚片,由Bernardo Antonaccio和Rafael Antonaccio共同执导和编剧。影片于2019年上映,讲述了一个小镇上发生的一系列离奇事件。影片主演包括Rafael Beltrán、Augusto Gordillo、Luis Pazos、Paula Silva和Natalia Tarmezzano等。影片的故事发生在一个废弃的采石场里,一个名叫法兰西斯科的男人在这里失踪了。法兰西斯科的朋友们来到这里,试图找到他并弄清楚他的失踪原因。随着他们深入调查,越来越多的离奇事件发生了,他们开始怀疑这个废弃的采石场里可能隐藏着某种邪恶的力量。《废弃采石场》是一部注重气氛的电影,黑暗、沉闷的场景和悬疑、恐怖的音乐效果为影片的紧张气氛营造了很大的贡献。影片展现了人类内心的恐惧和渴望,在人物心理的呈现上表现出色。同时,影片也有一定的探索人性的意味,揭示了人类本性中的黑暗面和不可理喻的部分。总之,《废弃采石场》是一部深度挖掘人性,展现人性恶的电影。影片通过细节和画面语言的营造,让观众跟随主人公的步伐,探索那个神秘且恐怖的废弃采石场,体验其中的惊悚和刺激。
《地面之下》是RafaelEisenman执导,Eric Abercrombie、Mira Antonova等主演的恐怖片。 [1] 影片讲述的是关于一群青年在地下为了挽救自己的生命同致命又易怒的生物们抗争。他们发现自己被一群用于军事战争所改造出来的生物所控制了的故事。某座美军废弃的地下工业基地,数年前因一系列恐怖事件而关闭。而今,无所畏惧的时尚男女在这里开启狂欢派对,纵情享乐之际全然不知危险将近。马特(Ross Thomas 饰)、米拉(Sofia Pernas 饰)、艾瑞克(Jeff D'Agostino 饰)、詹娜(Christine Evangelista 饰)、伊芙和斯托姆(Adrian R'Mante 饰)等六名好友在派对高潮和另一伙人发生矛盾,冲突过后,他们仓皇躲入一座地下设施内,结果却被对方反锁在里面。少顷曲终人散,马特他们遇见另外两个在此欢爱的男女。他们结伴寻找逃出去的路,谁知竟遭遇了恐怖嗜血的可怕生物。  黑暗寒冷的地下,魔鬼的盛宴拉开序幕……一群朋友与潜伏在地表下的致命而贪婪的生物展开生死搏斗。该组织发现自己受到军方基因改造生物的摆布,这些生物可以在战斗中牺牲。尽管他们在伊拉克打了无数仗,但这些朋友直到转入地下才知道真正的恐惧。